Back to the beginning — by request

A local player likes my clean boost, and was really starting to dig my top boost when he asked me if I could make them both in one pedal.

One of my very first custom builds was for a friend who loved Hello Kitty. I needed to make something she’d appreciate personally, so I popped out a Good Kitty/Bad Kitty pedal. It was a clean boost and a dirty boost in one box, swirl painted and decorated with the evil Japanese feline.

When asked “Can you put them both in one box?” I brought up that I’d done it before, and would gladly do another with a less horrific theme. Of course, when I mentioned it to him, he whispered just out of earshot of his wife and her friends “I don’t want a good kitty. I want a good pussy…”

I am both ashamed and smugly happy with the results. Behold, the Double Pussy boost — another one of a kind:

This one is a normal Performance Enhancer clean boost and an NPN based top boost. NPN transistors are not what I would use in a regular Rangemaster style germanium top boost, so I can’t use my normal boards. However, it is worth the hassle because it plays much more nicely when sharing a power supply with modern electrionics.